Talks & Invited Lectures
"Rhythm as an Integration Principle for Multimodal Analysis". Invited Talk at the University of Cologne, Institute for Media Culture and Theatre, Germany, 14 January 2025.
2024Keynote: "Mapping our Digital Culture with a Multimodal Lens" Signs.Cultures.Digitality, International Congress of the German Society of Semiotics 2024, Landau, September 2024.
"Dynamizing Comics with #ComicTok? New Forms of Comics Materiality and Narrativity on TikTok", together with Barbara Postema. Thinking (in) Motion: Comics and Film. International Conference, FU Berlin, September 2024.
"Cohesion, Coherence, and Inference in Multimodal Argumentation: A Three-Step Bottom-Up Approach to Unveil the Argumentativity of Multimodal Artefacts" MARGE#2 - Multimodal Argumentation Workshop. Bridging Linguistics, Semiotics & Philosophy. Groningen, June 2024.
Keynote: "The complex (discourse) structures of multimodal communication: are they really computable?" MUWS 2024 - The 3rd International Workshop on Multimodal Human Understanding for the Web and Social Media, Thailand, June 2024.
Invited Lecture: "Exploring the Intersection: Multimodality Research in and for Digital Humanities". Summer School Digital Humanities 2024, Modena, Italy, June 2024.
Invited Workshop: "Analyzing Games Multimodally: From Theory to Data". Summer School Digital Humanities 2024, Modena, Italy, June 2024.
Invited Lectures and Workshops: "Mapping Multimodal Argumentation". Spring School LAND 2024. Understanding Argumentation in the Age of AI, Switzerland, May 2024.
Keynote: "Stories, Ads, News, - or Fake? Analyzing the complex multimodality and transmediality of short video content in social media". Multimodality and Transmediality: Interdisciplinary Studies online conference, Ukraine, April 2024
2023"Wenn Wissen andere (Dokument-)Formen annimmt: Zeichen und Texte in zeitgenössischen Erste-Hilfe-Anleitungen". Trusting Documents Workshop: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Document Theory, Wuppertal, October 2023.
"Ai Video Tools and their Multimodal Input: New logics, autonomous desings - or are they just really good?" Keynote Preseentation at the LCR Forum 2023, Egypt, October 2023.
"Reconceptualising theories and methods for multimodal analysis: metamethodologies". Panel at ICOM11, International Conference on Multimodality in London, September 2022.
"Reconceptualising the practice of multimodal analysis: Empirical studies beyond the case". Panel at ICOM11, International Conference on Multimodality in London, September 2022.
"Current Trends in Multimodal Argumentation: From theory to practice and implications". Panel at ICOM11, International Conference on Multimodality in London, September 2022.
"Digital play for life-saving knowledge? The multimodal arrangement in VR applications for first-aid procedures". Presentation in the panel "Digital Play as Socio-Pragmatic Practice" at the IPRA 2023, Brussels, July 2023.
"Dude Food and Chick Beer: Linguistic and Semiotic Perspectives on Nutrition as a Gendered Cultural Practice". Panel and Introductory Presentation at the IPRA 2023, Brussels, July 2023.
"LifeVac: Yes or No? Multimodal Arguments for (and against) Live-Saving Tools on Instagram and TikTok". Multimodal Argumentation Workshop Salzburg, April 2023.
"Stories, Clips oder News? Zur multimodalen Komplexität von Nachrichtensendungen auf Instagram und TikTok". Guest Lecture in Martin Luginbühl's Seminar at the University of Basel, March 2023.
2022"Life-saving stories: Multimodal first-aid instructions on Instagram and TikTok." Language and Communication Research (LCR) Lab, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt. 2 December 2022, online.
"The multimodal complexity of social media: sense-making on Instagram and TikTok." JYU English guest seminars 2022/2023, 11 October 2022, online.
Texte zwischen Tradition und Innovation -- Ein Gespräch zur Zukunft von Texten. Gesprächsreihe Text Talks, University of Bremen, July 2022.
2021"Warum wir immer noch einen Textbegriff brauchen". Diskurs multimodal - 10. Jahrestagung des Tagungsnetzwerks ‚Diskurs – interdisziplinär‘, University of Bremen, November 2021, online.
Keynote: "Demystifying the Magic. A Multimodal Linguistic Approach to Coherence in Visual Narratives" 6th Annual Conference of the German Society for Comics Studies. Salzburg University, October 2021, online.
"Multimodale Semantik & Filmdiskursinterpretation. Semiotische und linguistische Grundlagen für audiovisuelles Übersetzen". Bild, Ton, Sprachtransfer. Aktuelle Tendenzen der Audiovisuellen Übersetzung. University of Innsbruck, October 2021, online.
"Multimodality and Film. A Kressian Perspective on Moving Images?" 30th European Systemic-Functional Linguistics Conference, Sheffield, 15-17 September 2021, online.
“Embodied Intermediality? Multimodal Metaphors and Blending in Animated GIFs”. International conference Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. Vechta, September 2021, online.
"Mediality vs. materiality. A multimodal perspective on the notion of medium." IPRA 2021. Panel "Media as Social Procedures", Winterthur, 27 June to 2 July 2021, online.
"Tracking Audio-Visual Identities. Analyzing multimodal representations of minorities in digital media." IPRA 2021. Panel "The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion: Discourses on Minorities in Digital Media." Winterthur, 27 June to 2 July 2021, online.
"Multimodality's Terminological Jungle - And a Way Through" Multimodal Artefact Analysis in Ancient Studies 23-26 March, online.
"A Multimodal Discourse Theory of Video Games. Analyzing the Discourse Structure of Tutorials" Bremen-Groningen Online Workshops on Multimodality 12 March, online via Zoom, together with Dušan Stamenković.
"From Comics Strips to Serious Games: Notes about the Multimodal Complexity of First-Aid Instructions". Multimodality Talks series.19 February, online via Zoom. A recording of the talk is available here
2020"The Shelfie Phenomenon and Academics: A Multi-Disciplinary Research Case Study". Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic: an online conference. 3-4 November 2020, online via MS Teams.
"No Laughing Matter? Analyzing Instructional First-Aid Comics" Annual COMFOR conference Comics & Agency: Actors, Publics, Participation. 08-10 October 2020, online via Zoom.
"OBSERVE! an Inanimate Virus Animated!" Annual GfM conference GfM 2020. EXPERIMENTIEREN. 29 September - 02 October 2020, online via Zoom. Panel description.
"Analyzing Instruction Comics - Layout Annotation and Functional Interpretations". Informal Groningen-Tilburg Workshop on Pictorial Narrative. 25 September 2020, online via Google Meet.
2019"Constraining the Open World: A Multimodal Empirical Approach to GTA V’s Game Modes". Fourth Bremen Conference on Multimodality, #BreMM19. Bremen, 25-27 September 2019. Together with Dusan Stamenkovic, University of Nis, Serbia.
"Discourse Semantics and Textual Logic: Methodological Considerations for Digital Multimodal Analysis". A-MODE International Conference. Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: From Theories to Practices. Rome, University of Tor Vergata, 20-22 June 2019.
"Discourse Semantics! Semantics! Reflections on a Traditional Linguistic Concept and its Potential for Interdisciplinary Empirical Analysess". New Methods for Multimodal Research. Salzburg University, 23-24 May 2019, Austria.
"Unangemessene Erinnerungskultur!? Zur systematischen Analyse von Text-Bild-Kombinationen unter dem Instagram-Hashtag #holocaustmemorial". Sprache und Bild in der öffentlichen Kommunikation. 11-12 April 2019, Bydgoszcz, Polen.
"The Multimodal Annotation of TV Series. Combining qualitative questions and quantitative results", together with Tamara Drummond. Annotationen in Edition und Forschung: Funktionsbestimmung, Differenzierung, Systematisierung. 20-22 February 2019, Wuppertal, Germany.
2018"Multimodality as a discipline? Provocative thoughts and serious efforts". Centre for Multimodal Communication, University of Southern Denmark, 13th November 2018, Odense, Denmark. Abstract .
"Zum Potenzial diskurssemantischer Analysen für Mixed-Methods-Ansätze". GAL-Kongress 2018, 11-14 September 2018, Essen.
"Digitale No-Gos? Vom schwierigen Einsatz von Bildern in Online-Diskursen". GAL-Kongress 2018, 11-14 September 2018, Essen.
"Semantik in Comics. Zur medienlinguistischen und multimodalen Analyse visueller Narrative". Ringvorlesung Aktuelle Perspektiven der Comicforschung", University of Cologne, 25 April 2018.
"Semantik ohne Worte? Wie wir mit Diskurssemantik Bedeutung in ein Bild bekommen". Kolloquium "Bild und Narrativität: Theorien, Zugänge, offene Fragen", University of Tübingen, 22 March 2018.
2016"Text oder Performance? Multimodal-‐diskursanalytische Gedanken zu Performativität in Social Media". Praktiken medialer Transformationen. Übertragungen in und aus dem digitalen Raum. 09-10 December 2016, University of Hamburg. Program.
"Zur Semantik des medialen Artefakts". Eröffnungstagung des wissenschaftlichen Netzwerks "Diskurse digital: Theorien, Methoden, Fallstudien". Mannheim, 15-16 November 2016. Poster Presentation.
"Multimodal Rhetoric in Audiovisuals: Theoretical and Methodological Questions & Practical Issues". Invited Lectures at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (Switzerland), 10-11 November 2016
"WIDE OPEN - Digitized materiality and new semiotic resources?" - Transmediations Conference, Växjö, Sweden, 13-15 October 2016
"Boundary breaking: Towards the textual logic of media convergence". 26th European Systemic-Functional Linguistics Conference in Salzburg, Austria, 13-15 July 2016 (together with Chiao-I Tseng)
“Out of place!? – The semiotic role of music in contemporary TV series”. Media Mutations 8: A Cognitive Approach to TV Series. Bologna, 25th-26th of May 2016
“Multimodal Film Analysis and Its Strata”. Invited Talk for the Language, Ideology and Power Research Group at Lancaster University, 19th of February 2016 (as part of an Erasmus staff exchange).
“”Ich hätte jemanden fragen sollen” – Vom schwierigen Einsatz von Bildern in den Medien”. Seminar “Sprache in den Massenmedien”. Universität Kassel. 17. Dezember 2015.
“Medienrealismus und/oder Terror-Narrative? Philologische Überlegungen zu aktuellen Bildwelten”. Göttinger philologisches Forum, 26 November 2015.
Workshop on Multimodality, together with John Bateman. University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 5./6. November 2015.
“Discourse(s) of death. How the Internet changes a formerly postulated taboo.” Language in the Media 6, University of Hamburg, 7.-9. September 2015.
“Multimodal Argumentation in Context. CCP and dynamic discourse semantics as new features for the study of argumentation”. 14th International Pragmatics Conference in Antwerp, Belgium, 26-31 July 2015.
“Film Discourse Analysis and Its Strata – From Material to Interpretation”. Workshop at the 42nd International Systemic Functional Congress, Aachen, Germany, 27-31 July 2015.
“Analyzing the Filmic Sublime. Aesthetic, Philosophical and Textual Perspectives“. SCSMI Annual Conference 2015, Birkbeck, University of London, 17-20 June 2015.
“Multimodal De-Tabooing. Discursive Performances about Death as New Forms of Social Use Practices.” Multimodality and Cultural Change. Multimodality Conference University Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, 10-12 June 2015.
“Let’s make it more formal! How logical forms can help us make multimodal meaning explicit”. MODE Conference in London: Multimodal Methodologies. 15-16 January 2015.
“Wider die Dimensionalität von Comicbuchseiten oder: Warum es so schwierig ist, das Seitenlayout von Comics systematisch zu beschreiben.” Guest Lecture at the Institut für Medienkulturwissenschaft, University of Freiburg, December 2014.
together with Jihae Chung: “Das Erhabene im Comic!? Eine ästhetisch-philosophische Textanalyse von Mathieus 3 Sekunden. Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, University of Hamburg, December 2014.
“Diskurssemiotik = Diskurssemantik + multimodaler Text?” Talk at the 4. Jahrestagung des Netzwerks “Diskurs – interdisziplinär”. Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, 4.-6. Dezember 2014.
“On talking ducks and dinosaurs – A multimodal analysis of funny creatures in internet memes.” Fifth international conference Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD), Budapest, September 2014.
“It’s all about logics?! – Analyzing the rhetorical structure of multimodal filmic text.” 8th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1 – 4 July 2014
“Towards the systematic analysis of comicbooks: annotations and interpretations.” The Hongkong Polytechnic University, English Department, 19 March 2014.
“Musik in Träumen hören. Über die semiotische Rolle der Musik in Nolans Inception.” Together with Felix Engel. Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Bremen University, January 2014.
“Multimodale Comic-Analyse – Annotationen und Interpretationen.” Together with John Bateman. Medienwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Bremen University, January 2014.
“Multimodal Methodologies? – Perspectives in Conflict.” 6. Nordwestdeutsches linguistisches Kolloquium, Jacobs University Bremen, 13 December 2013.
“Dynamic Images in Context. Workshop on meaning construction in visual narratives”. The Art of Reception. A trans- and interdisciplinary conference at the University of Hamburg, November 28-30 2013.
“Filmsemiotik und multimodale Filmanalyse”. Talk in the seminar “Mediensemiotik” at the University of Hamburg, 27 November 2013.
“Film Discourse Interpretation.” Talk at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of English, October 2013.
“Nach dem Film ist vor der Interpretation. Überlegungen zu einer linguistischen Filmtextanalyse im Deutschunterricht”. Germanistentag Kiel, September 22th–25th 2013.
“Zeichen im Film – Wie Bedeutung entsteht”. (engl: “Sings in Film – How Meaning is Made”) Guest Lecture at the Institut für Medienkulturwissenschaft, University of Freiburg, July 11th, 2013.
“Trumpets and orange-coloured days — Inferences, associations and synaesthesia in filmic text”. Conference of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image, Berlin, June 12 -15 2013.
“Comics als visueller multimodaler Diskurs: ein Modell für Analyse und Interpretation“, Comic-Kolloquium, University of Hamburg, May 30th 2013.
“Hearing Music in Dreams – Towards the semiotic role of music in Nolan’s Inception. Cognition and Poetics 2013, Osnabrück, April 25th-27th 2013.
“Film Texture” – Workshop on the textuality of film. St. Andrews, Scotland, March 9th 2013.
“Trompeten, Fanfaren und orangefarbene Tage – Zur Intersemiose in Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie”. Bewegtbilder 2012. Film als multimodales Phänomen und Synkretismus. Filmbildwissenschaftliche Tagung in Kiel, December 6th-7th 2012.
“The Logic of Film Discourse Interpretation. Towards a Formal Framework of Multimodal Film Analysis”. 6th International Conference on Multimodality, London, August 22nd-24th 2012.
“More than Words: Diskurssemantische Überlegungen zur Analyse des Film als Text.” Linguistik zwischen Empirie und Theorie. Nachwuchstagung der Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. September 26th-27th 2011.
„Coherence in Film: Analysing the Logical Form of Multimodal Discourse”. Analysing Multimodal Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics meets Pragmatics. Loughborough University, England. September 1st-3rd 2011.
“More than words: Zur multimodalen und intersemiotischen Bedeutungskonstruktion im filmischen Text”. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung “Film – Text – Diskurs” an der Universität Bremen, Summer 2011, wednesdays 6.15-8.00 pm.
“Neugier. Assoziation. Erinnerung. Zur imaginativen Leistung der Trailer zum Film “Das weiße Band”.” Anschauen und Vorstellen. Gelenkte Imagination im Kino. International film scientific conference in Bremen, March 24th-27th 2011.
“Surfen wie im Film!? Zur quasi-linearen Bedeutungskonstruktion in Online-Diskursen.” Online-Diskurse. Interdisziplinäre Tagung, TU Chemnitz, January 21st-22nd 2011.
“Cross-modal realizations of meaning in film: a textual analysis”. 5th International Conference on Multimodality (5ICOM), December 1st-3rd 2010. Sydney, Australia.
“Der neue interaktive Film. Zu hybriden Filmformen im Internet und der Adaption eines Genrebegriffs.” Hollywood Reloaded. Das Spiel mit Genrekonventionen nach der Jahrtausendwende. Tagung für Nachwuchswissenschaftler. Bremen University, September 18th-19th 2010.
“Ein Text ist ein Text ist ein Text? Zur Problematik der Textualität multimodaler Artefakte und ihren Konsequenzen für die Textlinguistik.” XII. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik. July/August 2010. Warsawa, Poland.
“A question of textuality? Structure and coherence in Henckel von Donnersmarck’s “The Lives of Others”.” MUST-3. The 3rd Finnish Symposium on Functional Linguistics and Multisemiotic Discourse Analysis. August 2009. Helsinki, Finland.