Editorial Work

Visual Communication
Together with Prof. Louise Ravelli from the University of New South Wales, I am chief editor of the journal Visual Communication
The journal is an international forum for the growing body of work in numerous interrelated disciplines. Its broad coverage includes: still and moving images; graphic design and typography; visual phenomena such as fashion, professional vision, posture and interaction; the built and landscaped environment; the role of the visual in relation to language, music, sound and action.

Frontiers of Communication: Multimodality of Communication
I am also an associate editor of the speciality section Multimodality of Communication with Frontiers.
This section of Frontiers in Communication particularly explores the challenges raised by the inherent multimodality of all forms of communication. The journal publishes open access with publishing fees for authors.

Book Series "Pathways to Multimodality" with de Gruyter
Together with John Bateman, Jana Pflaeging and Hartmut Stöckl, I am the editor for the book series "Pathways to Multimodality" with de Gruyter.
The series offers a platform for innovative scholarship in multimodality, building on a range of disciplines. We invite monographs and edited collections that explicitly address the nature of communication in all its depth and diversity.